Best Router Table - UK Reviews 2022 - 2023

Last Updated On September 17, 2021 By Elliot

The Best Router Table UK Reviews & Buying Guide

Holding a router for long periods can be very tiring, that's why most professional DIY'ers use a router table for professional high-standard woodwork.

Router tables allow you to keep your hand's free while you work, meaning you can achieve different route edge styles with your pieces of wood and have better control over your work.

However, router tables do come in many different sizes with lots of features such as; a mitre guide, adjustable fence, feather boards and dust port accessories. With all these different router tables, it's important to make sure your router table is right for you.

That's why we have decided to round up the best router tables on the market and compare them to find the best model for your woodwork.

Our Best Router Table -

The Lumberjack Tool RT1500 1500W Bench Top Router Table (Editor's Choice)

This Lumberjack tool RT1500 bench top router table features an integrated 1500W router and is compatible with other 1/2 or 1/4 inch router cutters, same-sized collets are also included with the table.

Significant specifications of this benchtop router table are its handwheel and adjustable steel fence. A mitre guide, three feather boards, and vertical/horizontal pressure plates are also included. The rotation speed of this table top router is between 8,000 and 26,000 RPM.

Design-wise the Lumberjack RT1500 table top router has two side compartments included and a no-volt release switch. A dust collection port extractor is included too and its table bed measures a total of 597mm x 457mm.


The Lumberjack bench top router table is one of the best router table models on our list in terms of value for money due to its integrated router and collets included.

It's motor and cutting speed also has a great range for cutting various wood.

Negatives of this router table have to be its build-quality which is reported to have a few issues such as the gearbox and lift. The travel on the router itself is further said to be limited.


  • Affordable with an integrated router.
  • Adjustable steel fence.
  • Mitre guide and feather boards included.
  • Speed of 8000 - 26,000 RPM.
  • Two side compartments.
  • Dust port.


  • Poor build quality.
  • The router is reported to be a little weak.

Our Second Choice - Trend WRT Workshop Router Table

The Trend workshop router table comes with a 98mm aperture diameter and can be fitted with 1/2 inch or 1/4 inch Trend routers. It's ideal for use with a wide panel raising and joint making cutters too.

Main features of this router table are its adjustable screws on its aluminium insert plate and twin T slot extrusions which allow for the divide of the router table to be removed and adjusted so as you can perform other functions such as grooving.

Design-wise the heavy-duty router table has a laminated MDF table with a high back divide and adjustable guard, the router table additionally has sliding MDF face cheeks and twin measuring scales included.

Measurements of the table come in at 19 x 93 x 72 cm.


Overall, this bench top router table by Trend is a great buy if you are looking to keep your router stable on table top and have a bigger working area.

This good router table by Trend is also very adjustable, allowing you to make your work in any pattern or design you want.

Downfalls of the best router table by Trend have to be its adjustable fence which is said to be inaccurate, the screws for the dust port on this router table are also said to not fit properly.


  • 98mm aperture diameter.
  • Laminated MDF table.
  • Twin T slot extrusions.
  • High back fence.
  • Twin measuring scales.
  • Sliding MDF cheeks.
  • Guard assembly.


  • The fence on the table is said to be inaccurate.
  • Screws for dust port are reported to have issues fitting.


This router table by bigger savings has a laminated MDF table top with four feather boards, its table size comes in at 60 x 81cm.

Feature-wise the PRO router table has a working height of 77cm with solid steel legs and an insert place which is compatible with a variety of routers. Two insert rings on the router table also allow the diameter of the table to be adjusted and its guide fence has two adjustable faces.

Two measuring scales are also included with table, as well as a dust collection port.


The PRO router table by Bigger Savings has a great build-quality with durable table features such as its fence and feather board.

Its thick laminated MDF surface is also very durable and can be used with heavy-duty wood.

Drawbacks of this bench top router table are its design which is said to be wonky, the router tables fence is also said to be inaccurate.


  • Durable MDF laminated top.
  • Four well-made feather boards.
  • 77cm working height.
  • Adjustable faces.
  • Two measuring scales.
  • Dust port.


  • Wonky design.
  • Inaccurate fence.

FERM Router Table

If you are looking for a universal budget router table it could be worth checking out this model by FERM.

Main features of this best router table are its robust aluminium table which has a size of 455 x 330mm, the FERM model additionally has a mitre for extra accuracy during working. The maximum base plate of this router is 162mm.

In terms of design features, the model has a dust hole, a dust-proof switch, and anti-skid rubber feet.


Overall, the FERM table is a great table to buy if you are on a budget and you're a DIY enthusiast who is looking for a router table to support your router thanks to its versatile fit and easy to use design.

The router tables design is also reported to be very sturdy and accurate too.

Downfalls of the FERM router table are its assembly instructions which are said to be very complicated to use, the clamps on the table are also stated to be a little weak.


  • Universal fit for all kinds of routers.
  • Strong well made aluminium table.
  • Mitre for better accuracy.
  • Dust opening.
  • Anti-skid rubber feet.
  • Affordable.


  • Complicated instructions.
  • Clamps are said to be weak.

Skil RAS900 Router Table

The Skil router table comes with a laminated MDF table top and has two feather boards included for accuracy, it also has integrated storage compartments.

Important features of this router table are its; adjustable MDF faces, tall fence, starter pin and guard, and a bit gauge which can give support to curved wood. The table further has an easy bit change system and a quick clamping design.

Design-wise the router table is foldable and comes pre-assembled, it also has a quick releaser mount for routers.


Overall, this Skil RAS900 table is great for beginner DIY enthusiasts who may need extra support when doing wood workpieces.

Its design is extremely easy to use thanks to its pre-assembled delivery and folding system, the model is also said to have great dust extraction features.

Negatives of this table are its parts which are said to all be made of poor quality plastic, the table is further reported to have no adjustable height.


  • Easy to use mounting plate and pre-assembled design.
  • Integrated side storage compartments.
  • Dual feather boards.
  • Mitre gauge.
  • Tall aluminium fence.
  • Quick clamping design.


  • Low-quality parts.
  • No adjustable height.

Our Judgement - Which Is The Top Router Table?

To conclude, the best UK router table on our list has to be the Lumberjack Tools RT1500 1500W Bench Top Router Table due to its integrated router and high-grade features such as its adjustable aluminium fence and variable speed for cutting.

We also like this model because of its generous size and dust extraction port which helps keep the table clean during work.

As an alternative, we also suggest checking out the Trend WRT Workshop Router Table thanks to its wide range of adjustability and twin T slot extrusions.

What To Look For In a Router Table (Our Buying Guide)

After comparing the best router table reviews, you might be wondering what best features you need to be looking for in your model, you also could be asking yourself if a router table is truly necessary and how you should be maintaining its features.

We have put together a buying guide below to answer all your questions about router tables.

What Is a Router Table?

A benchtop router table is used to support handheld routers and is mounted on the underside of the table. The router tends to be mounted vertically with a spindle turning in the opposite direction.

When using a router table, you will end up guiding your work along with the router, rather than the router against your work. They can also help with cutting adjustments and often include features such as; a mitre gauge, insert plate, aluminium fence, base plate and safety features.

A router table enables you to perform functions such as joints and grooves in your work.

Best Features To Consider In a Router Table

There are many best features to consider when buying a router table, from size to storage compartments and adjustability, its important you choose a strong and durable model for your work.

We have listed out the most essential features to watch out for in your table below before making a buying decision.

  • Router size - A large router table size tends to be better to work with, especially if you might be working with a longer piece of wood that needs the extra support, however, if your not fussed about working with big wood then you could save space with a smaller table top size.
  • Power - If your table comes with an integrated router you should ensure its powerful enough for your work and if it is compatible with your router table size.
  •  Dust port features - A dust extraction port should be integrated on your device to keep your work area clean and free from dust, this is not only better for cleaning but also health reasons.
  • Accessories - Some accessories which should be included with your table are an insert plate, feather boards, or a push stick, your router itself should also come with some variable speed features.
  • Precise fence - The fence on your table should be either made from MDF lamination or aluminium, its best if these fences are also adjustable so as you can use them with a variety of materials.
  • Mitre guide - Your table should include a mitre guide for accurate mitre angle cuts, this is very important if you are looking to do detailed work.
  • Material - The material of your table, should be strong and durable, preferably it should be made with MDF laminated material and be thick enough to support large projects.
  • Warranty - A one to two-year warranty should be included with your table for buyers confidence, this ensures you are covered against any faulty models or low-quality designs.

What Are The Benefits Of a Router Table?

Best router tables are essential for all woodworkers if you want to take your woodwork to next level. Not only do they add extra support and stability to your work but they are also great for making a variety of cuts.

We have listed out some further benefits for you to consider below.

  • Can make a variety of cuts - Handheld routers can keep your hands busy and prevent you from making a range of cuts, router tables, on the other hand, allow you to make cuts such as; groove ones, slots, and stopped cuts.
  • You can use it with different types of stock - Different kinds of wood can come in all shapes and sizes and become difficult work with if your using a standard saw, routers, on the other hand, allow you to be accurate and work with nearly any kind of shape.
  • They are precise - Having a router table allows you to work fast and with precision, unlike a handheld router which has more room for mistakes, this means the table tends to give consistent results.
  • Extra stability - If you are working with larger wood then a table like this offers a base with much more stability than a handheld router would.

How To Maintain Your Best Router Tables

Best router tables do require some maintenance for them to keep working properly, parts such as the router bit and table surface require some routine cleaning to keep them in the best shape possible.

We have put together some simple maintenance tips below.

The Fence

  • Sand it down - Now and then if the fence of your top router table starts to get rough, you should file it down with a saw or router.
  • Lubricate them - When the fasteners are getting stiff it might be a good idea to lightly lubricate them. Once you have lubricated the fasteners you can try running them through the rail to ensure the motion is smooth.
  • Remove dust - If there is any dust on the sides that face the cutting bit you should make sure to hoover them off.
  • Check for space - If you have a split design, you would want to ensure the two pieces can come into contact; if they cannot reach each other it might be worth looking into getting new pieces.

The Base Plate & Router Bits

  • Lubricate the bits - It is a good idea to lubricate the router bits of your table, after doing this you can wipe away any excess oil and leave it to soak in for a little before use.
  • Check for damage - If there is any wear down or damage on your router bit you should replace it immediately.
  • Get rid of sawdust - Now and then you should vacuum under the base plate and any dust around the router bit to make sure it is clean.

The Surface

  • Take out the dust - After use, you should get rid of any underlying or excess sawdust on the surface of your router table by using a vacuum.
  • Wipe it down - When getting rid of the dust you should also use a damp cloth to wipe the top of the table down.


Why is a router table necessary?

A router table is essential if you are looking to be a professional or good woodwork DIY'er. Router tables give you much control over your end product and allow you to cut and make patterns in your wood which you wouldn't be able to achieve with other power tools.

What are the best features to look for when buying a model?

Some of the best features to look for in these tools are; size, material, adjustability and accessories, you should also check whether your tool comes with an integrated router or not and the power of it.

What is a guard assembly?

Guard assembly means the protective cover that should be put over your router bit when not in use.

Should I buy a floor standing or a tabletop model?

This depends on your preferences, floor-standing routers tend to be bigger with more workspace and higher durability, tabletop models on the other hand are much more portable.

What is a feather board?

Featherboards are great for precision and accuracy as they can hold small pieces of wood in place while you feed it into the blade of your table.

Our #1 Router Table For Improving Your Woodwork

The number one router table on our list for upgrading your woodwork is the Lumberjack Tools RT1500 1500W Bench Top Table thanks to its integrated router and high-quality build which is perfect for creating masterpieces.

We also suggested the Trend WRT Workshop Router Table because of its adjustability and easy to use design.


I'm Elliot Higgins the Founder of multiple hardware stores around the UK. I love wood and wood working. Watching a fine piece of pine or cedar turn into a work of art is extremely satisfying. The one thing I love more than woodworking is the toys that we use! On; we bring you information and reviews on all kinds of tools.

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Last Updated On September 17, 2021

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